Were you ripped off by Rod Shuqom of RBS Royalty Motorsports?
We were searching the web, and found these web pages of people who were also ripped off by Rod Shuqom.
Racer 21 of West Palm Beach, Florida, lost $77,000 dealing with RBS Royalty Motorsports, Inc., and Murad "Rod" Shuqom.
Hilary C of Halifax Nova Scotia lost approximately $60,000 dealing with RBS and Rod.
And we found this site by an unknown person that plainly claims "RBS Royalty Motorsports Sucks!"
We also just learned that he was sued last week (mid-July 2014) for $170,000 for also collecting money, but not delivering his goods.
We've also talked to his employee (K.F.), and he has three Lexus' stuck with Rod. That's another $200,000 or so in people getting ripped off.
Only through the people we know, he's already stolen or ripped off approximately $700,000.
That's a lot of money he is swindling.
Hilary C, claims that there are 5 claimants on his bond right now. Which translates to more cases.
As Racer 21 put it, "This guy is the biggest liar and crook I have ever come across and I have no idea how he sleeps at night."
Lastly, as of today, July 21st, 2014, his phone stopped working and goes straight to the message, "Contact my attorney."
Lastly, as of today, July 21st, 2014, his phone stopped working and goes straight to the message, "Contact my attorney."
To be continued...
I am one of the victims, he stole $100k from me. he filed BK last year and there are about 30 creditors(victims) in the amount of over $4.8 million. We have a chat group of most victims, let me know if you want to talk about it.